Thursday, May 8, 2008


This last weekend we finally went and got our season passes to Lagoon, or WAGOOOOON as Pierce would say. He was super excited to go there and Trent and I were a little worried that he wouldn't even ride any of the rides. He is such a scaredy cat!  We were really surprised that he rode some rides, "all by myself". He keeps talking about the whales that he rode on. When we would get him on a ride he would look so worried and looked as if he was going to cry, and then about 3/4 of the ride he would start enjoying it... then the ride would end and we hear him yell, " Hey, I wanna do that again!" So we'd get him on the next ride and the same thing would happen. This summer is going to be loads of fun at Lagoon.
Getting these passes reminded me of when I was in Junior High and it was the cool thing to go to Lagoon and get season passes. I kept thinking of all the times me and my friend Amy would go and try to pick up guys. We'd ride that stupid sky ride over and over trying to strut our stuff. Man we thought we were cool. So I had to chuckle when I rode it with Pierce this last weekend as I watched some teenie bopper girls grinning and flirting as guys rode by them in attempt to try and get one of them to ride with them. So glad that I don't have to do that anymore!
Some other observations from this week, Brock and Pierce are starting to interact so cute now. I have always hoped that they would like each other and be best buddies. So it warms my heart to see them start to play together. Brock will do anything to get Pierce's attention. His favorite though is to SCREAM at the top of his lungs at Pierce .... Pierce thinks that is hilarious and he tries to top it with a SCREAM back. If any of you have heard Pierce scream it is ridiculous. It is the most shrill high pitched scream ever! So I have to endure through this screaming match and remember that they are bonding and having fun, even if it is killing my ears!
Pierce got invited to his first friends birthday party here in our new neighborhood and when he got the invitation he was so excited he carried it around all night and had to sleep with it. He is so excited for the party he can barely contain himself. He keeps asking when we are going. It is cute to see his excitement. He won't forget about it until we go, so I will be hearing about this party for a good week and a half or so.


Wendy said...

How fun you got passes. Brothers make the best playmates. They get over any disagreements so quickly, but you through a little sister in the mix...and things change. EMOTIONAL! And everything is personal. Enjy your boys :)

The Woods said...

I want to go to Wagoon with you guys!

Loughmiller's said...

I saw your blog on Deanne's blog. When you moved your oldest was just a baby. He is very cute, and so is your new baby. I am glad that you are doing well.

Amy said...

How fun! Maybe one day Addy will be able to join Brock and Pierce at good'ol Lagoon. I couldn't help but laught at the memory of our times there!

Whitney@SomethingBroughtYouHere said...

That is the cutest thing I ever heard about Pierce and his first birthday party invite. That has got to be so fun now that he is getting to the point and watching him get so excited about things like that. Oh and does Pierce say Wagoon in the same tone as "come play in my room" I can just imagine it now.