Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Adding another

Our house is full of excitement these days. We are happy to announce that we are having a GIRL! I guess it is time to make this announcement official. Brock kind of already did when he raised his hand in Primary 2 weeks ago and yelled out at the top of his lungs, "MY MOM IS PREGNANT!!" Thanks, Bud!
Pierce says he is really excited because now he will get to boss around 3 kids. He was hoping for a boy because he already had the name picked out and everything (St. Nick) yup, too bad it isn't a boy would've been a great name! ;) Brock just keeps asking when it is coming, what it will look like, how big is it, yada yada. You get the picture. Jaida is somewhat clueless. When she hears us talk about it she will just say , "My baby too!"
So I have reached the half-way milestone always a thrill. I have been really sick with this one. Yuck. The pregnancy began with lots of sickness and unexpected twists. Hamburger is not my friend and I have little or no desire for chocolate, must be something wrong. But I am glad to be feeling better now. My official due date is January 4th, but I am guessing it will come around Christmas time. Yay! Now to just try and find a name we can agree on.

1 comment:

Kelli J. said...

Such great news! Sorry you have been sick :( I hope the second half of the pregnancy goes better.