Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Preschool Graduation

 On May 27, 2011 Pierce graduated from Christ Memorial Christian Preschool. It has been a great year for him and he has enjoyed every moment of preschool. He made lots of new friends and is SOOOOOOO ready for kindergarten.
 The serenaded the parents with about 10 songs and then had a diploma ceremony. It was more like a goodie bag full of fun things for the kids. One of the things was a necklace with a cross on it. Pierce wore it around the whole rest of the day. I said," Pierce I like your necklace!" He said," Yeah I do to. It helps me to remember Jesus died for me."
 Here is Pierce with his teacher Mrs. Laske. She was a great teacher.
 Pierce with his buddy Nathan Pisanic.
Pierce and his buddy Parker Semmont. These two were inseparable. When we were leaving Pierce started to get a little emotional and his "eyes started sweating" (that is what he said when I asked if he was alright.) He will miss going here and seeing all his friends.

1 comment:

The Woods said...

How sweet! I was able to pick him out in a second with the big group picture. Totally stylin....