Thursday, March 8, 2012

This girl loves....

 Jaida Loves...
To wrap up her little "baby" (it is actually a pink stuffed teddy bear that my mom got her when she was in the hospital) and cuddle it while watching Micky Mouse Clubhouse. She loves that show. She knows her dad is a sucker for her too. He will walk in the door from work and she will take the remote to him and say," Daddy.. Mitty Mouse please, wanna watch a show?" He almost NEVER turns her down.
 The other thing she loves is her Gracie. She will sit and talk to her through the sliding glass door and hug and kiss on her all day.
 Gracie loves her to because she knows that Jaida will sneak her food. Plus she loves any attention!
 One day Gracie started to try and eat one of Jaida's cookies out of Jaida's hand and I yelled at Gracie. Jaida got big crocodile tears in her eyes and cried so hard for her Gracie and said "no mama, my Gracie!"
Trent got upset with Gracie the other day for getting off her pillow and gave Gracie a spank and Jaida cried so hard and ran and hugged Gracie. She was so upset. It is really cute to see how excited Jaida gets everyday to see her dog.

1 comment:

Ken and Jos said...

She is looking so big and cute! I can't believe all those curls.