Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Hunting Boy

 This little Brockie of mine has an obsession with the outdoors. He loves to go "hunting" for birds and can't wait to go deer hunting. On this day he was driving me crazy because he had come up with a way to hunt for birds by throwing a stick, but insisted that he needed to find a place to find birds. Allie was taking a nap, so I convinced him to "practice" his skills. So we drew a picture of a bird and this kept him busy for at least and hour.
 The next morning he of course woke up at the crack of dawn wearing his Camo gear and "ready to Hunt" So I again convinced him that he still needed to practice his skills. We both drew this picture of a deer and he got his bow and arrow out and had a blast.

This of course makes his dad very happy. They will be good hunting buddies someday, I am sure.

1 comment:

Ken and Jos said...

His's YOU!! Ha, ha. So cute.