Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A bunch of wild animals

Loving the train!
Not loving the wait for the train!

So Big! almost as big as a gorilla!

Pierce and his Buddies!He absolutely loves his friends!

They were so cute with their maps planning out the directions we were going to take! He they are running with excitement to the next animal!I love Pierce's tongue hanging out!
You can't see it that well but here is Brock sticking out his tongue like the giraffes!

Such a cool animal

Pierce and his sweet shades!
Pierce was amazed by the bears!
Gorilla picture!
Today we went on a field trip to the Zoo for Joy School. Pierce has been looking forward to this for some time. He was really excited to see the bears. He was disappointed that they didn't swim in the water. He is all about his friends lately so pretty much if he is with them he is having the time of his life.We had a little picnic and got to ride on the train.

Brock also had a great time tagging along. He is so funny every time we approached a new animal he commented on how stinky they were.. he would say " eww..stinky poo poo!" He was right they do smell! We were lucky and it was a beautiful day. I think that it was a success!

1 comment:

kELli said...

so fun! gotta love the zoo! and it has been perfect weather to do it! hey, i haven't seen you and your fam on the howard reunion blog yet. did you get the email with the link?