Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Doctors visit

I took the girls in for their well child check ups. Allie was off the charts for Height and 75%  for weight! Big girl! Allie had to get awful shots too. Turns out that her diaper rash wasn't really a diaper rash but an awful yeast infection... poor baby! No wonder it wasn't going away. Bad Mommy!
Jaida wasn't thrilled because they did the most thorough physical check up I have even seen. blood work, peeing in a cup ( Really making a 3 year old pee in a cup is impossible!) and so she was pretty much not happy! Jaida was 75% for height and 40% for weight. My little girls are growing up so fast. Going to the doctor is exhausting.

1 comment:

Sadie Lady said...

Oh man! Peeing in a cup! That sucks to have to do that already.