Sunday, June 22, 2014


Hahaha.. that moment when your friends (all of heir children are grown) invite you over for FHE. You should know that it is going to be well... Entertaining! We start the night off with dinner. All is going pretty good. Until she passes out the Jell-o and Pierce stabs his spoon into it and flings it across the table (on accident-- of course ) and it lands in the ladies hair! Are you kidding me? Then not 5 minutes later he decides that instead of chewing his food he is going to shove his mouth full and swallow it all whole. Yup.. that's when I look over and realize he is in distress and choking. Trent gets over there just in time to do the Heimlich maneuver. Because by than Pierce hasn't caused enough of a scene he follows up by blurting the "f" word (Fart) in front of the couple and the lady gasps and makes note that she doesn't like the "f" word in her house.
We finally make it to the lesson portion of the evening and Brock didn't disappoint with his bjillion questions and insights.
We get to dessert and I guess Allie was feeling left out with everyone else stealing the spotlight so she decides that running headfirst into a chair corner is the way to be noticed! Screaming ensues and we can't leave fast enough. That was a very long drive back in the car. I felt like I was going to lose it. I was so embarrassed. The couple just laughed it off and was so kind!
I am pretty sure that we won't be going over there for a while! We gave them a small taste of our Belliston crazies!

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