This was the only picture I took this day! And boy am I grateful for this cute lady! My mother-in-law is pretty much amazing! We had a very different Thanksgiving this year. We spent it at the mission home with other missionaries and my in-laws! The food was delicious! I won't lie I was a little bit homesick for my family. This is one of the first times I haven't been home to enjoy my Dad's awesome dinner! Here's to new traditions!
On the morning of Thanksgiving, Pierce was so happy. He woke up and came out of his room yelling Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! He was so excited for this day. He made everyone go around and say what he was grateful for. Brock said.. yummy food, Pierce said his family, And both mommy and Daddy said our kids and a nice warm home!
I have to tell you that later on as I was getting Jaida out of the bath, Pierce came in and was talking to me and he said," I know one more thing that I am grateful for mom." I said,"What Buddy?" He said, "well my two cute girls!" I almost started to cry and now I am glad I didn't. I said, "Oh buddy you are so sweet, you mean me and Jaida?" He goes, "eww... No not you Mom; Jaida and Gracie!" Well I should have known that I wouldn't come before his beloved Gracie Girl! Gee Thanks! Made me feel like a real winner! I have to laugh though! Pretty funny!
Things I am Grateful for:
Pierce- For his big bright smile and always there to cheer you up. Knows everytime you are having a bad day and tries to make others happy!
Brock- For his comebacks and one-liners that keep me on my toes. I love his grumpy little face and that he loves to come in my bed in the morning and snuggle with me!
Jaida- For her beautiful smile and eye brow lifts that always make me smile! She has the best attitude! I am just grateful to have her and that she is somewhat healthy!
Trent- Where to begin? Love that we can be complete goofballs and laugh together. That he works so hard for our family. I love him more and more everyday!
My parents and family- Love them so much and so glad that I can just be me around them. Grateful everyday that I have 2 amazing parents that love me and taught me what was right!
The Belliston Fam- Their willingness to include me and make me feel so loved and welcomed! Each one of them have such amazing qualities that I could go on forever and ever about! I am just SO LUCKY to have family like them!
Friends- I have some of the best, no name dropping you know who you are! Thankful for their listening ears, loving hearts and good times together!
Pierce's stories crack me UP! I love you and your family.
I almost started to tear up a little too while reading the story about Pierce's two girls... but started laughing once I finished the story. What a crack up. He's grateful for you too :) Sure did miss you too but glad we got to skype that day. LOVE YOU.
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