Saturday, February 26, 2011

11 Months old

Jaida is now 11 months old. In the last week she has FINALLY become mobile. I say that partially excited. Because one, I am super excited that she has reached her milestone after so much hard work in physical therapy. On the other hand I am not thrilled. I am quickly learning how much I need to baby proof my house. I mean there is not much that damage she could really do, but she can make messes! One of her favorite things to do is scoot her self over to Gracie's Pillow and pet her. I say pet, but really it consists of her yanking her ears and fur. Good thing Gracie is such a patient dog. She pretty much likes any attention, even if she has to endured through some pain to get it!
The other thing she is naturally drawn to is the movies on the shelf and books too. She can get them all down with in a matter of minutes. Then she gives you the sweetest face, irresistible, that is almost as if she is saying, "Did I do something wrong? You mean you didn't want me to take all these off the shelf?"
Her hair continues to grow. It is growing over her ears and it has a little curl to it. It is too cute!
Jaida still has no teeth. She is still on oxygen at night (technically, because she always pulls it off). She sleeps like a peach. She says Mamamama and Dadadadada and she always says MMmmmm and HEY!
She is always making us smile. She is happy and so easy to love. Her nick names are: Jaida Love, Jaida Bug, Missy moo, Lovey, Jaidy Lady. She loves her brothers. She light up when she sees Pierce especially! He can almost always make her laugh.
Her favorite thing to do and she is getting really fast/ good at it is to pull herself up on the couch. She pulls herself up, but isn't quite sure how to get back to sitting. So once she gets tired she just kind of complains until one of us comes over and puts her back down. We have one little stair that separates our dining area from our family room and she loves to climb up that stair. You can tell when she accomplishes it she is really proud of herself. We can hardly believe that we are just a month away from her 1 year birthday! WE love you sweet baby girl!

1 comment:

Whitney@SomethingBroughtYouHere said...

SHe is just gorgeous! I can't wait for her and Mia to play together.