Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter 2011

 Easter morning is always fun at our house. I am not sure about the Easter Bunny at your place but ours is kind of crazy. Our bunny started a tradition of giving rhyming clues to help the kids find their baskets all around the house. This Bunny must be crazy because it obviously didn't think that through as far as how time consuming and brain challenging it would be as you have more and more kids! Needless to say it turned out good the kids all located their baskets Pierce's was in the oven, Brock's in the upstairs bath tub, and Jaida's under the computer desk. The kids love the hunt and are so excited. It does pay off, I am sure, to the Easter bunny once it sees how thrilled they are as they go from clue to clue.
 This was Jaida's first Easter at home with us. The boys were excited for her to join in the fun! She is still a little young to appreciate it but was so excited watching her brothers get so excited. She loves the reeses peanut butter eggs!
 I know I just did a post of flowering trees, but this one is different. All the blossoms have fallen from the other trees and this one is in full bloom. It really is so neat to see all the beautiful colors as you drive around. This one is right out our front door.
 Here are my sweet kiddos. They somewhat cooperated for this picture. I love them to pieces.
 After church we headed over to Gramsies and Papa Belliston's house for some yummy food. After dinner we colored eggs. We had intentions of having an egg hunt in the backyard, but the rain started coming down pretty hard and ruined any hope of that happening. The boys still had a good time.
 Jaida pretty much just follows her Gramsie around. She absolutely loves her to death and is quite Territorial when any other kids try to spend time with her.
 And  if you don't already know how entirely AWESOME my mother-in -law is... She made this incredibly Delicious cake on Sunday just for the chocolate lover that I am. I would give it 5 STARS! Man she really went all out! I love her so much and am so grateful that I get to have this time with her.
Jealous aren't you?? It was a great Easter. I was feeling so overwhelmed with emotion the whole week leading up to Easter. I just have so much to be grateful for, most of the time I take it for granted. I was feeling so much love and happiness for my family. Too bad I was such a grump on the actual holiday. I don't know what got into me, I was just not happy. I feel bad that I was feeling that way on Easter. I guess we all have our moments, right?

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love the picture of the kiddos in their outfits. That cake looks AMAZING! Sorry you were such a grump (it happens to the best of us). Oh how I miss my Mikelle. Love you guys!!