Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I looked out my window and what did I see...?

 Popcorn popping on all the trees.
 This year we were actually able to get  out and enjoy the cherry blossoms. Last year we were visiting Jaida in the hospital a lot. We made it down to see the ones in Washington D.C. as well. We heard that they were not as good when we went down them. Their peak bloom was the week prior to us going down, but it had rained all that week. So a lot of the blossoms had fallen or got ruined from the rain! Anyways it was unlike anything I had seen and I thought it was spectacular.
 We had visitors stying with us from New Jersey, the Crane family. We had a really good time. Next year I think I may DRAG my family out to the big cherry blossom festival parade. I love parades, Trent not so much!
We are happy that spring is finally here!

1 comment:

Whitney@SomethingBroughtYouHere said...

That is gorgeous!Wish it were that pretty here!