Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fishing with the Boys

 How spoiled are we to have Brown Papa live right by us? He called earlier in the week and offered to take the boys fishing on Friday. They spent the night over on Thursday and got up early to go fishing. Papa has a Friend out here that has some amazing property. They boys were so excited!
 There was no shortage of catching fish here and it made them absolutely love every minute of it. I am still hearing about all the fun they had together. They had a yummy breakfast to start too.

 My boys didn't catch this HONKER, but they thought it was pretty awesome!

 The boys absolutely adore their Brown Papa. Brock had still been talking about the last time they went fishing at the Father and Son's outing and how Papa took all the fish they caught and ate it without him. So this time Papa made sure that he came home with Plenty of fish (bluegill) to eat.
So Trent cut up all the fish, breaded and fried it. Brock loved it. He loves fish. His favorite is salmon. In fact that is what he has asked for his birthday is some salmon. Funny kid. They had a great time and will always be a memory that they cherish! Thanks Brown Papa!

1 comment:

Ken and Jos said...

Fun! I didn't know you could eat bluegill. That is the majority of the fish we catch in Virginia.

That's hilarious Brock loves salmon - good for him, it's delicious!