Sunday, December 7, 2014

lookin sharp

 Ever wonder how so much personality can be crammed into one little thing? I ask myself that almost on a daily basis about Brock! He is so full of life, craziness and Love. He is always keeping us on our toes. He makes life difficult at times and requires a whole heck of a lot of attention.
 But Life would not be the same without this kid. He keeps us laughing all the time. He is the kindest, most caring, sweet boy in the world. I almost daily find a hidden not telling me how much he loves me. I am grateful for him. He is incredibly smart. He reads and watches documentaries and memorizes every little tidbit and can repeat them back to you word for word. He amazes me with the things he knows.
 I love you Brock. I am grateful that you are mine. I am thankful you bring my life so much joy.

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