Friday, April 3, 2009

SO proud of my Lump

So most of you know how freaking cute my little Lumpy is. I truly cannot get enough of him. He is getting so big lately and talking so much. My new favorite thing that he does is boss our new puppy Gracie around. Telling her "no,no" or "Be Quite" or " Gracie kennel, NOW!" It is really so cute. Also if you know my Lumpy you know that he absolutely hates wearing clothes. He is constantly taking them off. And you can just forget him wearing any sort of diaper if it has the slightest bit of pee in it. So my cute neighbor, Jamie, who is supermom to me. Was picking up on these signals. She brought over a little potty.. since Brock is way too short to reach our toilets... and it was love at first sight. That first night he went pee in it 3 times. I was in heaven. The next morning he went poop all by himself yay! So he is definitely interested! It is not consistent yet.. but I am so proud of him. Thanks Jamie, you really are the best!


Ashley Hardison said...

Wow that is amazing, he seems so little to be interested. But that is because he is still taking formula RIGHT?!! haha It was fun to spend some time with you last night. I am excited that we will be doing that more often.

Sadie Lady said...

Crazy. Isn't he just a year and a half? He's not two yet right? AMAZING.

Whitney@SomethingBroughtYouHere said...

That is so awesome! Yay lumpy. By the way that pic of him is so cute.

lins.e said...

wow... he is startin young. wahoo for you!!!

Anonymous said...

He is the stinkin cutest ever!!!! Love that pic of him!! I can't believe how much he talks!!

The Woods said...

Oh I love that kid.

The Larsens said...

That makes me SO jealous, Blake is almost 3, and it is a knock down , drag out fight to get him to even sit on the toilet. You're lucky!