Friday, October 7, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

 August 30, 2011 was Pierce's very first day of Kindergarten. If you know Pierce, you would know that he was so excited for this day. He has been waiting for this day to come for a long time. His teacher this year is Mrs. Pettit. He couldn't be more lucky. She has been such a joy so far and has helped Pierce from the very beginning on adjusting to this new school. Kindergarten here is full day so it is quite the adjustment. He goes from 9:25- 3:55, that is an extremely long time for a little boy. The first week was rough as he was so tired each day when I would come to get him. He asked me several times if I could please just come and get him after lunch.
Another rough moment was when he came home from school that first week and said that he had been teased by another class mate about his freckles on his face. He asked me if I could please buy him some tan paint to cover them up. It broke my heart. I am so glad that Trent took care of this situation and took the time to explain that freckles were cool and made him feel better. His teacher also took the time to talk with him. Since that day it has been a great experience at school. He has made good friends and is having so much fun learning and is so anxious to do homework. Pierce's teachers can't stop talking about what a good boy he is and they have told me what  a good role model he is in his class. I couldn't be more proud of him. I love my Pierce.

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