Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Pierce

 September 4,2011 Pierce Riley turned 6! He had been looking forward to this day for some time. If you know Pierce he is quite the planner. He has had his birthday planned for a long time. One of the things he absolutely wanted to have was his Grammy and Papa Russ fly in from Utah. They didn't disappoint and made sure they were here for his special day.
 This year his Birthday fell on a Sunday. Funny how he already knew that it would be different, because it was on a Sunday, but he was excited that it meant he got to celebrate for 2 days instead of one! He got some new lego sets that he was super excited to put together as soon as they came out of the box.
 I started the tradition of making my kids cakes for their birthdays. Pierce insisted that he have a Justin Beiber Birthday cake. I talked him into an iPod cake with Justin Beiber on it. I think that it turned out pretty cute. He was so excited. He got the CD for his birthday and we have listened to it on repeat for the past month and a half. All my kids including Jaida know almost all the words to every song.
 We are also super lucky because we have Brown Papa and Grammsie here too. Grammsie helped make his day really special and made a really yummy meal.
 The presents only lasted about 1 min before they were all unwrapped. Pierce was so excited. He got a Pillow pet, scooter, a new black suit, church clothes, nerf gun, more clothes, shoes. He was so spoiled. He is a pretty funny kid. He really asked for clothes for his birthday. He must get that from his daddy.

 He was thrilled to blow out his 6 candles.
 On Monday the boys went and played golf together. As usual they had a really good time.
 Papa Russ and the boys.
Pierce is such a special boy. He is always there to cheer you up when you are having a rough time. He is constantly worrying about everyone else. He is always down to snuggle. He is a good example and he has the best smile. These last 6 years have been complete joy with him. I love you Pierce with all my heart!


Ashley said...

Happy Birthday to Pierce! Your cakes alway look amazing! I'm jealous. :)

Julieann said...

Do you remember when you first went to the statue of liberty? I do! I took you and we had so much fun riding the double decker bus around manhattan. You were sooo cute then.. (still are :)