Saturday, November 12, 2011

Basketball is done

 Today was Pierce's very last basketball game of this fall-ball season. Wow, was it a great experience. He learned so much. It was fun to watch his team really come together and have such a connection with each other. today as we were saying our goodbyes, I was really sad thinking about us not seeing them every week. We were really so fortunate to have such a great group of kids. Their parents were top- notch too. I am not kidding you, our post game snacks were really out of this world.
 Trent coached Pierce's team and loved it. They both did. So after today's final game we set up a little pizza party. The kids all had a really good time together. The parent's once again went above and beyond and had each kid draw a card/picture for the coaches and then they all went in on some gift certificates for both coaches (and their wives) to a pretty nice Italian restaurant.
 Here are the two coaches, Coach T.J. and Coach Trent!
Here was today's post-game snack pull-apart cupcakes.. isn't that so cute! We will miss the Bulls! We signed  Pierce up for Winter league and it starts in January, we can hardly wait. Trent will coach again and maybe if we are lucky we will get some of the same players??

1 comment:

Kelli J. said...

Ok, now I am really feeling guilty. I had it in my head to bring a gift for Luke's basketball coach today, our last game. Being 39 weeks pregnant, I just didn't have the energy. I AM SO LAME!!! So glad your players recognized you & Trent's hard work :)