Sunday, November 13, 2011

Leaves Galore

 In Maryland we have no shortage of leaves, that is for sure. There are leaves galore and it always makes a fun fall project. We raked some of our leaves, not all because we still have quite a bit on our tree. The boys had a fun time jumping in the piles and hiding treasures in them too. We buried Pierce.
 Brock was all over the place. He loves being outside and being a boy. He had a great time finding every possible twig/ stick in sight and claiming them as his "Special Sticks". This kid will collect just about anything and everything. He becomes instantly attached as well.
Jaida was having so much fun too. She loves when her brothers will include her in on the fun. She had a great time running around and diving in to the leaves. We got about 2 1/2 big bags of leaves and still more to come. The boys then went around offering to our neighbors for "us" to volunteer to rake their leaves, which actually means "me" raking their leaves. We had a good time and I guess we felt good after serving our neighbors too!


Whitney@SomethingBroughtYouHere said...

Looks like fun for the kids. Hey Mia & Jaida have twinner coats... just different colors! :)

Kelli J. said...

Pierce cracks me up...always has something more to add to YOUR plate :) What a sweet, thoughtful kid though, right?