Thursday, January 26, 2012

Trent's BIG day!

 January 13th was a very special day at our house. You see our daddy/ Tbird/ Pup turned the big 36!!!!  Yes he is getting OLD! The boys were so very excited for this day to come. We made him a decadent chocolate cake and decorated our house for him. We put a big banner on our front window so every one would know it was his Birthday. Several of our neighbors came over and wished him a Happy Birthday!! The boys went to the Dollar Store and picked out some treasures for him. I got him a new Celtics shirt and some new jeans.
We had our friends the Haretuku family over and Trent's parents too. is was a super fun party. Brock insisted that we play games. We had a very interesting game of pin the tail on the donkey!
Trent and I celebrated the next night by going out on a date to Outback with Stephanie and Mo. We had a great time. Sure do love ya Pup!

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