Monday, November 19, 2012

Brock's Brain

I don't think that there is ever a time when this kid's brain stops working. It seems like it is going  90 miles per hour and no end in sight. He wakes up at the crack of dawn with a billion ideas of what needs to get done for the day. He is constantly writing out plans or drawing up concepts of things we need to build, create, develop. Man he basically just wears me out. It is just plain exhausting sometimes.
One thing that I have found that can keep him occupied for my sanity's sake is drawing. If we sit down and draw things together some how I feel more at ease. Here is a picture of our most recent drawing of a killer whale eating a salmon. We sure had a great time doing this together and it was cute to see him try and research how the real-life animals looked and tried to color it according to that.
I wouldn't trade this crazy-brained kid for anything. I sure love his little thoughts and tid-bits. He is such a great little boy and brings so much creativity and life to our home. Love you Lumps.

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