Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trick or Treat.. smell my feet

 This year we had a party pooper Dad, a CRAZY eight ball ( special emphasis on the crazy), a red power ranger, a pirate and a Cinderella. To Trent's defense he did dress up for our ward's Trunk or treat, he was Clark Kent. Since we have lived here our good Friends Bob and Tracey Lowcher have invited us to go Trick or Treating in their neighborhood. They have such a fun neighborhood. Every house is decorated and the people sit or in their driveways to pass out the candy. It is like one big party. Plus their awesome Daughter Megan comes along with us to help with the kiddos.
As always we had a lot of fun and got tons of good candy. Such a fun memory to have.

1 comment:

The Woods said...

I'll smell your feet, but not Trent's or anyone blood related. Cute kiddos!