Friday, June 15, 2012

Brock's Preschool Graduation

Brock with his teachers Mrs. Stine and Mrs. Lewin

Brock had  an amazing year at Christ Memorial Preschool. He had his big Graduation on May 25th. He was really excited, Mostly because his teachers had told him that if he sang really loud that he would get a "goody bag". Well he of course didn't dissappoint and sang super cute and loud. His favorite song was the Wheels on the Bus and I Can't Spell Hippopotomus.
 Grammsie and Brown Papa were able to come and congradulate the graduate.
 So proud of my Lumps. He did so well in school and loved every minte of it. His teachers often told me what a good boy he was and that they wished they could clone him. They loved hearing his stories and his squeaky voice.

This is Brock's Best buddy Ren Rosenberg. Their birthdays are just a day apart. They were two peas in a pod. Every Friday during the school year Brock went to play over at Ren's house after school, it was some thing that he always looked forward to.
His report card stated how he was such a good friend to all and was a peacemaker in the class. Way to go Brock! Next year on to Kindergarten!

1 comment:

Kelli J. said...

He's in KINDERGARTEN!!! Crazy! Time flies, doesn't it? Just you and Jaida for a few hours each day in the fall, huh? GiRl TiMe!!!