Saturday, June 9, 2012

Miniature Golfing with Papa and Dax

 We decided while we had Dax here that we should take him to go have some fun. What is better than miniature golf? We thought that we would manage alright with 4 kids and 3 adults, but it proved to be a little more challenging than we thought! haha
 Balls were flying this way and that and into the water. Brock fell and skinned his knees. Jaida was more interested in picking up every ones balls after they hit them, then actually playing, which made some people very upset.
 By the time we got to hole 18 we were tired! We had a fun time though.
 Jaida and her Daddy with her not so thrilled about golfing face on!
Dax was so patient the whole time. He really is such a great little boy. We were so glad that he was able to come spend time with us.
Before Dax came I had asked the boys what they wanted to take Dax to do for Fun. Brock said to me: "Mom remember that time you took us to the gas station and let us pick out sody pops, I think we should take Dax to do that. It was a lot of fun."
 Well, we didn't want to disappoint Dax while he was here so after golfing we went to the gas station and let each of them pick out their very own drinks. They were all thrilled.

1 comment:

lins.e said...

ohh he loved that.. he was trying to show ian where it was on google maps.. and yes I'm pretty sure he loved the sody pop part too {funny} thanks again for having him mikelle... greatest aunt ever!!