Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day on the Farm

 About a week before school started I decided it would be fun to take the kids to the farm. The county library here does a summer Reading program that is actually quite good. In the end they get prizes and lots of the local businesses donate. One of the donated gifts was a free admission to the Clark's Elioak Farm. When I proposed this idea to the kids they were not thrilled.. what? It took some major bribing.
 Once they were there we had a lot of fun. My Bribes consisted of.. Pony rides, check! They all got a turn riding on Captain Jack. The lady was quite impressed on how well the kids ride. she told Brock how she thought he was a great cowboy to which he turned to her and said, "Yeah I am pretty much an expert because my Brown Papa is a cowboy!" hahaha. Humble little guy!

 After riding our ponies, second on the bribery list was to ride the hay ride, check! They all had a great time riding that and looking for all the crazy faces on the Trees we counted 21!
 Bribery #3 was to let them buy food to feed the goats, check! This was actually kind of funny because there was a Rogue Goat and whenever he heard you searching for the change in your pockets or the clank sound of the machine turning he would come a running. He knocked Jaida and Brock over twice because of his excitement and would practically knock the machine over to get every last drop out of there. So this didn't go quite as planned.
 Jaida was in love with this goat and wouldn't leave the poor thing alone.
Here is Jaida and Brock talking to the Horse that bit Jaida a few years back... haha quite a funny story! After the petting farm we went and did the enchanted maze. We made it through pretty quick and thank goodness because it sure was a hot day! I think all in all it was a pretty successful day!

1 comment:

Kelli J. said...

Isn't it funny how we moms have to bribe our kids to do fun things? I swear it is so hard to get them to leave our home somedays. Looks likes you guys had fun :)