Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Cake!

So Trent made a deal with Pierce that if he danced for our dinner guests on Sunday, Jeff and Ida Hunt, that He could have a happy cake. Happy cakes are Birthday cakes, My Nephew Tyden started calling them that and now Pierce does too. So Pierce danced and here is his happy cake he was so excited to make them. He was most excited to "Blow the Fire!"
This is the Crown that he made in Nursery on Sunday. He was excited about it on Sunday but when I went to put it on the next day for a Picture this is what the response was! Whatever! He is so emotional! He kept saying "I am the prince", I am not sure what they learned about! But it is so cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that they all pick up on things that the other say? He danced for them? I would give him a big happy cake if he would dance for me.