Friday, May 21, 2010

Itchy, Watery Eyes...

Well since we moved to Maryland, aka "The forest!", Brock has had some itchy, watery eyes. We have always known he has had allergies, but we wanted to know what was causing this for sure. So a couple of weeks ago I took him to an allergist to have him re-tested. They decided to have him tested for 16 specimens including molds, trees, dogs, cats,weeds, and of course peanut butter!
Brock was so brave as they punctured his back with a nifty tool that poked all 16 specimens at once (thank goodness)! The nurse was amazed as she said she had never seen a kid who didn't cry when they did this. All he did was say to me, " Mom that is buggin' me!"
After waiting 15 minutes to see what re-acted. I was amazed to find out that he is really allergic to Trees! What the heck? Two in particular: Oak and Sycamore! And you would be happy to know that OAK trees are the most prominent tree in Maryland! No wonder the poor kid could hardly breathe this spring! The oak tree sends out so much pollen that literally every morning when we went outside everything was covered in an inch thick coating of pollen. Everything looked green.
As for everything else they tested him for, nothing else re-acted! It seems now that he has grown out of his allergy to peanut butter. So they have scheduled a food challenge where I take him to the doctor to try peanut butter in a controlled environment to make sure he has no reaction.
The good news is that his tree allergy will only be bad in the spring! Who would have thought, trees?


felicity & nathaniel said...

My mom and sister have really bad tree allergies too. I should get tested to see what it is specifically that drives me crazy all spring and fall!

Love Family said...

Trees?!?! That is crazy! At least it will only be bad in spring and not like peanuts that were always! Your cute Jaida is getting so big! :) and I love your cute baskets you got for Mothers Day and way to go Trent for the cutest idea ever!!!

Jamie Reese said...

So sorry to hear about the tree allergies. I don't think there are too many oak trees in Syracuse...hint hint :)
HOORAY for peanut butter! I hope he can eat family loves peanut butter!