Friday, July 11, 2008


Memory Lane...
I got this from a friend's blog. I thought it would be fun! I hope you will play along. Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses


Whitney@SomethingBroughtYouHere said...

My favorite memories are of us when we were growing up and how we would always play with eachother especially when we shared a room. I remember when we shared a room and we would spend hours playing, singing and dancing to music. We would argue about who got to dance and pretend to be Whitney Houston... those were the days!

Kelli J. said...

There are many memories, but I especially liked playing "I have never" with the family - super funny! Never has one game given us so much dirt on everyone!!! Peeing outside, being circumcized...way fun!

The Woods said...

One of the first times we really hung out. We were waiting for Trent to get done with work in Bountiful before you guys were married. We sat on the front steps of his townhouse in Provo starving!! Finally he came home and we ended up eating dinner at Training Table and you and I devoured the cheese fries as soon as they hit the table. Then we went and saw The Four Feathers.

Amy said...

There are so many, I don't know which one to choose. I think one of my favorite memory is all the walks we would go on. We would walk everywhere even a couple times a day and count how many honks we would get :) The good'ol days before we could drive. Or we would get Julie to drive us to Fiesta O'le, the mall or the pool :)

Courtney said...

um well i dont have too many ... but i remember when your family came to visit and everyone went to the city i was left behind because mom didn't want to have to make bathroom pit stops... and in order for me to go along she asked you to let me borrow one of your outfits. you weren't very happy about it. I think i picked ur sunflower short overalls or something. i ended up getting them ripped that day. you were so mad.

Emily said...

Ok - so I know that I don't know you all that well, but my memory of you is the first week you came into our Relief Society and you were nearly done with your pregnancy and had this teeny basketball of the front of your body and you were so, so cute. I was prego too, but felt like a beached whale. It was no fair - but you were so cute and upbeat that I couldn't help but like you!! Have a good one.

lins.e said...

ok you might be mad at me but its one that really sticks out in my mind. It was one of the first times that i had met you, me and ian had barely started dating and were down stairs watching a movie. Well you came down with your nachos, sat down on the couch and ripped one, and acted like it was no big deal... I thought it was a pretty funny first impression

Ashley said...

The one that sticks out in my mind is when we were both engaged and we went to Lagoon (with Joe and Trent of course). You looked super cute and I didn't know you all the well but I was very intimidated by you (not because you were mean but b/c you were so cute) so I was nervous to talk to you and thought anything I said you'd think was so stupid. Dumb I know. We could have been way better friends back then if I wasn't so dang shy at first. HA! Glad we are friends now!

Anonymous said...

I don't know you that well, but it is probably fun to hear first impressions and stuff. so I also will just tell you how nice i have always thought you are and since we had our babies nursing at the same always getting up right in the middle of sacrament meeting to go feed brock..and me thinking "oh dang that is me too now!"

Jeramy and Coleen said...

Where to start...One I remember is back in the day we would put a paper drink cup on top of the expedition and tape it down so it looked as though we had put our drink on the top of the car and hopped in forgetting about it, then we would drag state, and just see how many people attention we would get trying to tell us and we would act as though we didn't have a clue as to what they were trying to tell us. Hilarious. WOW I can't believe we really did that. But oh well fun times. I really will get my blog going so I can hear from you more.

Holly said...

I found your blog through Amy's. I had to put this memory! Do you remember when we spied on Whitney and Kelli? We had a notebook and wrote down everything they said so we could blackmail them later. Hmm, I wonder where that book is?