Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Crafty day

 The kids were out of school it seemed like a whole heck of a lot in November. I am not sure what the deal was with that, but it felt like they had so many days off. Keeping Brock busy is the hardest part of these days off. I let him choose our schedule this day and all he wanted to do was "create crafts" ALL DAY!
 After hitting the store for our supplies we cam home and made these cute turkeys by tracing their feet. I think they turned out pretty cute. Brock loves GLUE and TAPE. So just having those supplies on demand totally made this kid's life! I am not kidding you.. if I have those two items at his availability they are gone at the snap of a finger. He can go through an entire roll of tape in minutes and will find almost anything to glue on cue.
I also saw this cute craft online. We painted canvas with light blue and then used painters tape to block out the letters. Then I gave each of the boys each a canvas, paint and a Q-tip and they sat and dotted these for a good two hours! It was a great time consuming craft.

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