Sunday, December 23, 2012

So Long, Farewell

December 10, 2012 was a monumental day at our house! It was officially the day that we got to say goodbye to Jaida's oxygen! She had her last sleep study about a month ago and she did much better than we ever anticipated. Usually they don't go very well. They are very restless and she doesn't preform very well. This last study went pretty smooth and she was such a trooper. In the morning the tech, whom we know very well unfortunately, spilled the beans to me that she had gone the whole night without oxygen a HUGE deal! I had to keep my emotions in check but just wanted to burst! When I got out to me car the tears just flowed and I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude!
We got the results of her study December 6, 2012 and that is when the doctor informed me that she had in fact kept her oxygen levels at 91% for the night! She still is having apnea events, an average of 4 every night when she stops breathing for 20 seconds or more. So we will keep her on her monitors and in 6 months we will be repeating a sleep study to see if she has improved.
this has been quite a challenging 2 1/2 years to say the least, but it moments like that are direct payoffs for all the bad times. We really have been so blessed and will continue to be optimistic and pray that she will continue to improve. We feel so grateful to all those who have prayed, fasted and simply lifted us in these last 2 1/2 years on behalf of our sweet little Jaida. Thank you.

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