Sunday, September 29, 2013

Brock's Amazing Lemonade and Cookies

 Brock has literally been bugging me to let him do a Lemonade stand for over a year. I finally gave in and let him do one. He was pretty particular about how he wanted things done. He wanted everyone to know that he was in charge and running the show. He hired me to help him with the signs and bake the cookies. He hired Pierce to be a sign dancer to attract more customers.

 He went door to door placing these flyers all down our street and the one behind us.
Saturday came and he was so excited. They actually had great success and sold out in about an hour and a half. For me the highlight was watching Pierce dance his heart out trying to get cars to stop. This is something I hope I never forget. My little entrepreneurs oh how I love you.

1 comment:

The Woods said...

This was the highlight of my summer!