Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fresno Fair

 I love going to the fair. It is one of my favorite traditions I did growing up. As you can tell by the looks on my kid face the boys were super excited, Allie has no clue what is going on and Jaida is not feeling it at all. As a kid I remember walking from booth to booth trying to get as much free stuff as I could. From pencils to Frisbees to coloring books and pamphlets. Haha ya I was somewhat of a nerd. I taught my kids the secrets this year and they were so excited as each booth offered them a pamphlet or pencil. It's the small things right. We were luck enough to have our good friends the Haretuku family join in our fun too. We had some yummy food as we enjoyed some pig races. The kids were all really excited to try out some rides. They had their hearts set on this roller coaster. Turns out Brock wasn't tall enough to ride. He was heart broken. I was super impressed that Moananui told the kids it was an all or none deal. This made this mama hear so happy. Brock was pretty mad. Luckily it was at Trent and not me. He said, " Why does dad lie to me? He is just a liar! He tells me that if I eat my food and drink my milk that I will grow, but that is a lie! Because I did all those things and it still didn't get me tall enough to ride that roller coaster!!" His demeanor changed when they found other rides he could ride. They had the time of their lives! It is safe to say that the Fair = FUN.

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