Matching Jammies! They look so cute! Thanks Grammy and Papa Belliston!
Look at Pierce's face, don't they both look so thrilled!
Pierce's Valentine! So cute!
So Proud!
You gotta love that SMILE! This is the Choo- Choo Train he made for Trent! Hilarious!
Yahooo! Brockie rolled over for the first time yesterday! He is such a lazy guy this is a big milestone for him! He would rather lay than sit, play, move, or stand! It is funny. His legs are so fat I am not sure they could bare any weight! Cutie pie!
I have been meaning to take their pictures together in their matching Jammies that Grammy and Papa Belliston gave them for Christmas! So here they are!They turned out pretty cute!
Last night Pierce and I made Valentines, He was so excited! It was cute!
So cute! I love the matching pjs. I just smile to myself when I read your blogs because I can relate so much. Kamden is such a wild child. Maybe it is just all two year olds. Well we can hope right! :)
That is probably my favorite face that Pierce makes... It is classic.
My child is WILD too! I feel like he controls me FOR SURE! ha ha! And he's a lot younger than Pierce so who knows. Anyhow... I didn't know your fireplace was carpeted. I must have missed that. that's cool. Like I said way earlier, you need to post more detailed pics of your house!!! Since I can't come see it. Pierce Valentine is awesome!!
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