Monday, February 4, 2008


Yes you heard right! Brockie slept more than 2 hours at a time! Not much longer but it sure makes a difference. He slept from 11:30-3!!! Wahoo! I was so elated! I gave him an extra dose of baby food for the night and maybe that is the trick I will let you know tonight if it is the same! He is such a chunk I can't imagine that he is hungry! He is not sparing in any sense! In fact one of his nick names is Lumpy!
Last night we went to my parents house for our annual superbowl party! Lots of good eating and good company! We were sad because of the storm Ian and Lindsay couldn't make it down! We missed them and little Dax! I hope we get to see them soon! Maybe when all this snow quits coming. This morning we woke up to about four more inches here in Syracuse! And it hasn't stoppped snowing yet! Enough Already! Pretty much I will be stuck at home this week! BLAH!
Pierce was looking out the window this morning and said" HMM.. lets see who's comin to Pierce's house?" Then he answered his own question like this" Daddy comin to Pierces house, um no Grammy comin to Pierce's house, NOPE, Papa comin to Pierces' house, NOOOO Let's see who else... Ninny coming nope umm... Tam comin umm... noboy coming to Pierce's house!" SAD!!! It was so cute! He always wants people to come to our house he says because he wants to "shoopin the hoops" in his room! He is growing up and I am not sure I want him to anymore! He is at a funny stage except for the days when he is a TERRIBLE TWO year old!


The Woods said...

I loved the closet comment. I'm serious it's a great hiding place. I miss your kids so much. I want to hold Brock more than anything.I hope he sleeps good for you again tonight. You deserve it.

Haskins said...

Yeah I love it when they finally sleep. That is the best feeling in the whole world. I hope it will be a habit!

JackieSue said...

Nice! Only one post later and you're getting a little sleep. Funny! I hope it becomes a habit and that it gets longer... ;-)

Whitney@SomethingBroughtYouHere said...

Well... Maybe Ninny and Tam will have to come up to Pierce's house soon to visit...