Smiley Guy! He can sit up yay!
Go Cougars! BYU! (Two of his new favorite phrases!)
SO cute!
He wanted me to take his picture this morning! Funny Guy!
We have had the crappy Flu at our house for the last week! Pierce had it first and then Brockie! It was so sad to see my little ones sick and boy am I tired of them being sick! The have been ultra whinny and clingy and It is so draining! I have not had a good night sleep yet... So I hope that is coming soon! Brock had some serious diarrhea! It was blowing out of every outfit and all over the place. Pierce's nose has been like Niagara Falls! We can't wait until things are back to normal! We will soon be out of quarantine mode! And I hope that none of you get this nasty Flu! It is horrible!
Brockie has learned to sit up by himself now! How exciting is that? I know he is SOOOOO behind for his age but oh well! He is so Lazy! He does enjoy his baths more now that he can sit up and splash around! Just in the last few days he has learned to throw tantrums by throwing his head back when he is mad and has resulted in a few crashes! He is so ready to move around but doesn't have the encouragement to do it yet! It is funny!
The weather is starting to get so nice out! I cannot wait for spring time! It cheers me up so much to see the sun out!Yahoo!
Pierce got a haircut and didn't cry ONE BIT! I gave him one 2 days ago and I told him that if he didn't cry I would make him a Happy Cake and it worked! We had our Happy Cake celebration last night and he was so excited to Blow the Fire! He didn't eat the cake though!
Now only if we could just get him potty trained! I have tried everything from prizes to parties and special undies! I am not sure what I am doing wrong but that kid would much rather poop and pee in a diaper or even in undies! I am open to suggestions!
You are such a cute mom. Owen is starting to get sick today and I know that these next couple of days are going to be LONG. I hope things get back to normal for you guys soon. I am so glad that you have this blog I really feel like I know your boys because of it.
YAY. Brock can sit up now!!! I love your kids....That sucks you've been quarantined. I think Cam is coming down with this crappy flu too.
The pictures of the boys were so cute! I need to plan a trip to come see you guys!
What handsome boys you've got there. I just love the pictures. I'm sorry your kids are sick. It's impossible to keep everyone healthy this time of year. I hope they get better very soon.
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