Thursday, December 13, 2007


Last night Trent's brother Brady brought over a twin bed that he no longer needed we set it up in Pierce's room and he was so excited so Trent and I made the bed up and we thought what the heck we will let him sleep here. Thinking that there was no way that he would actually stay in there. Well he did all night we were so proud of him.I guess he is bigger than we think. He is growing to fast I wish that he would slow down. He is so fun.

Brock is cutting a tooth Oh Joy! He is still so happy though he handles it very well. He still is smiley and giggles. But when he is in pain he lets you know. Thank Goodness for Tylenol!!!

1 comment:

deannegalloway said...

Hi Mikelle. It's so good to catch up with you. I've been wondering about you guys too. Two boys! Wow, they are so cute! When was Brock born? Anyway, I'm excited to keep in touch. Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas. Congrats on the staying in's great when they do things you don't expect. We've just accomplished potty training...finally!