Pierce could hardly wait for this day to happen. Friday December 17, 2010 was his Preschool Program. They had been practicing the songs and the nativity all month long. Pierce was dead set on being one of the kings (wise men)! Everyday he would come home and tell me that he hoped he got to be one of the Kings. Pierce is a singing machine, so this was right up his alley. He was singing so loud and proud. It was really cute to see him.
They sang a lot of Christmas songs. His favorites included: Must be Santa, Rudolph, O Christmas Tree, Away in a Manger and Silent Night. I think he was most excited that his dad took the time off from work to come and see him! Plus an added bonus was that Brown Papa and Gramsie were able to come too!
Not sure why but he had his hand on his hip a lot! Cute kid! His teacher told them to try and keep what they were doing for the program a secret. Pierce has a really hard time keeping secrets, I guess he got that from me! So everyday when I would ask them what he did at school he would get this big grin on his face and say,"I can't tell you mom!" He would let little bits out, but for the most part he was able to keep it a secret!
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